Thursday, April 27, 2023

Linux Basic Commands

## 1. User Environment
Details commands Remarks
loggedInUser whoami
Current User id
Current directory Pwd
List of files \directories ls
ls -lr
ls -ltr

Details commands Remarks
System login processes who -l
who -l -H
Count all login names and number of users logged on who -q -H
who -H
Display the current run level who -r
Display system boot level who -b who -b -r
Display all information who -a -a : Same as -b -d –login -p -r -t -T -u
-b Time of last system boot
-d Print dead processes
-H Print line of column headings
-l Print system login processes
-m Only hostname and user associated with stdin
-p Print active processes spawned by init
-q All login names and number of users logged on
-r Print current runlevel
-t Print last system clock change
-T Add user’s message status as +, – or ?
-u List users logged in

## 2. File Management:

Details Commands Remarks
Create directory mkdir testdir
Copy files cp ./dir/ ./dir2/ cp file.doc newfile.doc
cp main.cs demo.html lib.vb backup
cp main.c demo.h lib.c /home/project/backup/
#Preserve file attributes cp -p filename /path/to/new/location/myfile
#Copy all files in backup folder cp * /home//backup
#Copy all doc files in backup folder
cp *.doc /home/backup
#Copy all files recursively in backup folder
cp -R * /home/backup

#Copy file command with interactive option cp -i foo bar
# Verbose output with cp command cp -v file1 file2

-r - recursive
-v - verbose
Copy files & directories recursively cp ./dir/ ./dir2/ -r -r - recursive
-v - verbose
Move files mv ./file1 ./dir1/ -r - recursive
-v - verbose
Rename files mv ./file1 ./file2 -r - recursive
-v - verbose
Move files from one directory to other directory mv ./dir1 ./dir2 -r - recursive
-v - verbose
Delete files rm ./filename
rm ./filename1 ./filename2 ./filename3
rm *.pdf
-r - recursive
-v - verbose
Delete directories rmdir ./dirName/ -r - recursive
-v - verbose
-i confirmation
To view content of file cat filename cat file
cat /path/file
To create a file called “test.txt”cat > test.txt
##Type following test files and press Ctrl+D at the end of the file This is a line1 in test file.
This is a line2 in file. ## press control-D
cat test.txt
To view big files using shell filters (more, less) cat dwh-log.log | more
cat dwh-log.log | less
more dwh-log.log

less dwh-log.log
To combine two or more files cat test1.txt test2.txt > test-log.txt
cat test-log.txt
To view file with line numbers cat -n test1.txt
cat -number test1.txt
To display TAB characters as ^Icat -T test.txt
To display $ at end of each line,cat -E test.txt
cat --show-ends test.txt
Use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB and show all nonprintingcat -v test.txt
cat --show-nonprinting testfile.txt
To show allcat -A test.txt
cat --vET test.txt
View all files in directory cat *
cat *.cs
joining binary files cat file1.bin file2.bin file3.bin > large.tar.gz
### extract it
tar -zxvf large.tar.gz
To show allcat -A test.txt
cat --vET test.txt
###  2.1 finding lines using cat , sed and awk commands:
Details Commands Remarks
Read last 100 lines of the filecat {filename} | tail -100
tail -100f {filename}
cat hugfile.txt| tail -100
tail -100f hugfile.txt
Read first 100 lines of the filecat {filename} | head -100
head -100f {filename}
cat hugfile.txt | head -100
head -100f hugfile.txt
Print \Read nth line of the file
using SED (stream editor)
cat {filename} | awk 'NR=={n}' Example:
cat hugefile.txt | awk 'NR==25'
Print \Read nth line of the file
using awk
cat {filename} | sed -n '{n}p'
sed -n '{n}p' < {filename}
cat hugfile.txt | sed -n '100p'
sed -n '100p' < hugfile.txt
Print \Read from mth line to nth lines of the file
using SED (stream editor)
cat {filename} | sed -n '{n},{m}p'
sed -n '{n},{m}p' < {filename}
cat hugfile.txt | sed -n '10,50p'
sed -n '10,55p' < hugfile.txt
Print \Read from mth line and nth lines of the file
using SED (stream editor)
cat {filename} | sed -n '{m}p;{n}p'
sed -n '{m}p;{n}p' < {filename}
cat hugfile.txt | sed -n '10p;40p'
sed -n '10p;40p' < hugfile.txt

###  2.2 Replace words file using sed (stream editor) command:
DetailsCommands Remarks
Replacing or substituting string:
Sed command is mostly used to replace the text in a file.
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH” in the file.
sed 's/data/DWH/' hugefile.txt
Replacing or substituting string:
Sed command is mostly used to replace the text in a file.
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH” in the file.
sed 's/data/DWH/' hugefile.txt
Replacing the nth occurrence of a pattern in a line:
Use the /1, /2 etc flags to replace the first, second occurrence of a pattern in a line.:
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/{n}' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH”
in the file for 2nd occurance.
sed 's/data/DWH/2' hugefile.txt
Replacing all the occurrence of the pattern in a line :
The substitute flag /g (global replacement) specifies
the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/g' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH”
in the file fora all occurance.

sed 's/data/DWH/g' hugefile.txt
Replacing from nth occurrence to all occurrences in a line :
The substitute flag /{n}g (global replacement) specifies
the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/{n}g' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH”
in the file for all occurance from nth occurance.

sed 's/data/DWH/5g' hugefile.txt
Replacing from nth occurrence to all occurrences in a line :
The substitute flag /{n}g (global replacement) specifies
the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.
sed 's/{word}/{replacewith}/{n}g' {filename}Example:
The below simple sed command replaces the word “data” with “DWH”
in the file for all occurance from nth occurance.

sed 's/data/DWH/5g' hugefile.txt
Parenthesize first character of each word :
This sed example prints the first character of every word in parenthesis.
echo "{Tex}" | sed 's/\(\b[A-Z]\)/\(\1\)/g'Example:
echo "Welcome To The Geek Stuff" | sed 's/\(\b[A-Z]\)/\(\1\)/g'
Replacing string on a specific line number:
restrict the sed command to replace the string on a specific line number.
sed '{n} s/{data}/{ReplaceWith}/' {File}Example:
sed '3 s/data/SWH/' hugefile.txt
Duplicating the replaced line with /p flag:
The /p print flag prints the replaced line twice on the terminal.
If a line does not have the search pattern and is not replaced,
then the /p prints that line only once.
sed 's/{data}/{ReplaceWith}/p' {File.txt}Example:
sed 's/data/SWH/p' hugefile.txt
Replacing string on a range of lines: can specify a range of line numbers to the sed command for replacing a string.
sed '1,3 s/{data}/{ReplaceWith}' {file}Example:
sed '1,3 s/data/DWH' hugefile.txt

###  2.3 Deleting lines from a particular file  using sed (stream editor) command:

#### 2.3.1 To Delete a particular line say n in this example ```sh # Syntax: sed 'nd' {filename} # Example: sed '5d' hugefile.txt ``` #### 2.3.2 To Delete a last line ```sh # Syntax: sed '$d' {filename} #Example: sed '$d' hugefile.txt ``` #### 2.3.3 To Delete line from range x to y ```sh #Syntax: sed 'x,yd' {filename} #Example: sed '3,6d' hugefile.txt ``` #### 2.3.4 To Delete from nth to last line ```sh #Syntax: sed 'nth,$d' {filename} #Example: sed '12,$d' hugefile.txt ``` #### 2.3.5. To Delete pattern matching line ```sh #Syntax: sed '/pattern/d' {filename} #Example: sed '/data/d' hugefile.txt ```

###  2.3 File Management-vi Editor with Commands:

* The vi editor is elaborated as visual editor. It is installed in every Unix system.

The vi editor has two modes:

**Command Mode**:
					In command mode, actions are taken on the file. The vi editor starts in command mode.To enter text, you have to be in insert mode, just type `i`
**Insert Mode**: In insert mode, entered text will be inserted into the file. The Esc key will take you to the command mode from insert mode.
By default, the vi editor starts in Command mode. **To save and quit**:
save and quit vi editor from command mode.
Before writing save or quit command you have to press colon (:). Colon allows you to give instructions to vi. exit vi Commands: ------------------ |Commands| Action|Remarks| | :--- | :---: | ---: | |:wq |Save and quit| | |:w |Save| | |:q |Quit| | |:w fname |Save as fname | | |ZZ || Save and quit| | |:q! | Quit discarding changes made | | |:w! |Save (and write to non-writable file) ||

### 2.4 File Management-list files \directories:
Details commands
List all directories in Unixls -l | grep '^d'
list directories for the current directoryls -d */
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
List of directories for given directory ls -d /etc/*/ | more
List only files in current directory: ls -l | grep -v '^d'
List all directories in a directory recursively find . -type d -ls |more
find /etc/ -type d -ls
List all files in a directory recursivelyfind . -type f -ls
find /etc/ -type f -ls | more
Put above two aliases in your bash shell startup file:> $ cd
$ vi .bash_profile

Append two lines: You can create two aliases as follows to list only directories and files.
alias lf="ls -l | egrep -v '^d'"
alias ldir='ls -d */' #alias ldir="ls -l | egrep '^d'"
text in files find . -exec grep -rl "<searchText>" {} \;
find . -exec grep -rl "user" {} \;

###2.5 File Management-How to copy \move files between two unix \linux servers using scp

scp [options] username1@source_host:directory1/filename1 \

* The location of the source file is specified by username1@source_host:directory1/filename1, which includes the:
* Name of the account on the host computer (username1)
* Hostname of the computer on which the source file resides (source_host)
* Name of the directory containing the source file (directory1)
* Filename of the source file (filename1)
* The location to which the source file will be copied is specified by username2@destination_host:directory2/filename2, which includes the:
* Name of the account on the destination computer (username2)
* Hostname of the computer to which the source file will be copied (destination_host)
* Name of the directory to which the source file will be copied (directory2)
* Filename of the copy (filename2)


  scp ~/sample.txt
# It will copy sample.txt from current connected server to testdir folder in dev1 server/

  scp  -r  ~/testdir
# it will copy all files in  dev1-test  directory from dev1 server to testdir directory in connected server recursively.

  scp  -"~/dev1-test/*.txt  ~/testdir
# it will copy all text files in  dev1-test directory from dev1 server to testdir directory in connected server.

  scp*.pdf ~/testdir
# it will copy all pdf files in dev1-test directory from dev1 server to testdir directory in dev2 server.

###2.6  File Management- Archiving -Z commands
Details commands Remarks
Uncompressing or UnPacking files gzip -d test.ods.gz Display content after uncompress file
cat test.ods |less
Display the contents of a compressed filezless data.ods.gz
zmore data.ods.gz
Concatenate compressed files with out using gzip & cat zcat TestReadme.gz
Compare compressed files. zdiff file1.gz file2.gz
zcmp test1.gz test2.gz
Search word in Compressed files zegrep -w '^Test1|Test2' Test.gz
zgrep 'wordToSearch' Test.gz
zgrep 'Test' /path/to/log/file.gz
zgrep 'mail' /var/log/maillog-*.gz
zgrep 'error' /var/log/error.log*.gz
zgrep --color 'Failed login for' /var/log/secure*
Search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern: zipgrep *.cs
Search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern: zipgrep *.cs

## 3.Networking

### 3.1 Networking-How to check connectivity of another server server ```sh ping <ipAddress> ping <hostName> ping <FQDNForHostname> Example: ping 172.24.541.100 ping ```

###3.2 Networking-How to check connectivity of another server server over particular port using ssh

 ssh -p <portNumer> -v <ipAddress>
 ssh -p <portNumer> -v <hostName>
 ssh -p <portNumer> -v  <FQDNForHostname>


	ssh -p 9050 172.24.541.100

	ssh -p 9040

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