# [Overview of .NET CLI](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/)
The .NET command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform tool chain for developing,
building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
#### Here is list of command to create list of projects with console app template using dotnet cli
dotnet new sln -n $solutionName -o $solutionPath
cd $solutionPath
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.UI" -lang "c#" -f net7.0
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.UI.Tests"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.ApiService"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.ApiService.Tests"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.Business"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.Business.Tests"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.Data"
dotnet new console -o "$solutionName.Data.Tests"
#### Adding projects to solution using dotnet cli
> Note: Below ls command will work for `Powershell`
dotnet sln "$solutionName.sln" add (ls -r **/*.csproj)
#### Adding project references using dotnet cli
dotnet add "$solutionName.UI/$solutionName.UI.csproj" reference
dotnet add "$solutionName.ApiService/$solutionName.ApiService.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Data/$solutionName.Data.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.UI.Tests/$solutionName.UI.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.UI/$solutionName.UI.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.ApiService.Tests/$solutionName.ApiService.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.ApiService/$solutionName.ApiService.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Business.Tests/$solutionName.Business.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Data.Tests/$solutionName.Data.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Data/$solutionName.Data.csproj"
#### Build solution using dotnet cli
dotnet build "$solutionName.sln"
#### Here is list of commands to create list of projects using specific project type templates using dotnet cli
#### Following list of commands to create solution file for adding specific project later
/*Input to specify project type
List of avaiable project types :webApp |mvc|angular|react|blazorserver|blazorwasm|wpf|winforms| */
$projectType= "WebApp"
if ($projectType -eq "WebApp"){ $solutionName=$projectType }
else{ $solutionName="$projectType-App"}
if ($projectType -eq "blazorwasm"){ $framework="net6.0"} else{$framework="net7.0" }
dotnet new sln -n $solutionName -o $solutionPath
#### Following list of commands to create projects with specific project types for each layer.
cd $solutionPath
/*Create C# project with specific ui project template and specific framework.*/
dotnet new $projectType.ToLower() -o "$solutionName.UI" -lang "c#" -f $framework
/*Create test project for ui project with nunit project template*/
dotnet new nunit -o "$solutionName.UI.Tests"
/*Create C# project with webapi project template for api service layer*/
dotnet new webapi -o "$solutionName.ApiService"
/*Create test project with xunit project template for Api project.*/
dotnet new xunit -o "$solutionName.ApiService.Tests"
/*Create C# project with classlib project template for business layer.*/
dotnet new classlib -o "$solutionName.Business"
/*Create C# project with mstest project template for Business project.*/
dotnet new mstest -o "$solutionName.Business.Tests"
/*Create C# project with classlib project template for data layer.*/
dotnet new classlib -o "$solutionName.Data"
/*Create C# project with nunit project template for Data layer*/
dotnet new nunit -o "$solutionName.Data.Tests"
#### Adding projects to solution file.
/*Adding all projects to solution.*/
dotnet sln "$solutionName.sln" add (ls -r **/*.csproj)
dotnet add "$solutionName.UI/$solutionName.UI.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.ApiService/$solutionName.ApiService.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.ApiService/$solutionName.ApiService.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Data/$solutionName.Data.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.UI.Tests/$solutionName.UI.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.UI/$solutionName.UI.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.ApiService.Tests/$solutionName.ApiService.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.ApiService/$solutionName.ApiService.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Business.Tests/$solutionName.Business.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Business/$solutionName.Business.csproj"
dotnet add "$solutionName.Data.Tests/$solutionName.Data.Tests.csproj"
reference "$solutionName.Data/$solutionName.Data.csproj"
#### Build solution
dotnet build "$solutionName.sln"
- References
[dotnet tools](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/)
- List dotnet runtimes installed
dotnet --list-runtimes
- List dotnet SDKs installed
dotnet --list-sdks
- Latest installed dotnet version
dotnet --version
- New project or Project item
Below Command show help for the C# console application template:
dotnet new console -h
Create a C# console application project:
dotnet new console
Create an C# console application project in the current directory
dotnet new console --language "C#"
Create an C# Blazor server application project in the current directory with no https protocal
dotnet new blazorserver -o BlazorApp --no-https
Create an C# Blazor web assembly project in the current directory with no https protocal
dotnet new blazorwasm -o BlazorWasmApp --no-https
Create a .NET Standard 4.0 class library project in the specified directory:
dotnet new classlib --framework "netstandard4.0" -o MyLibrary
Create a new ASP.NET Core C# MVC project in the current directory with no authentication:
dotnet new mvc -au None
Create a new xUnit project:
dotnet new xunit
Create a global.json in the current directory setting the SDK version to 3.1.101:
dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version 3.1.101
Show help for the VB console application template:
dotnet new console --language "VB" -h
- Create Solution file
Below Command show help for solution
dotnet sln [command] -h|--help
dotnet sln [] [command]
Creates a .sln file in the current folder, with the same name as the folder:
dotnet new sln
Creates a .sln file in the current folder, with the specified file name:
dotnet new sln --name MyApp
Creates a .sln file in the specified folder, with the same name as the folder:
dotnet new sln --output C:\temp\App
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